イベ信反ワクチンの医者たちがコロナ重症化へ [158879285]

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1番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (スフッ Sd02-Znug)
垢版 |
2021/11/25(木) 12:34:09.93ID:LacGnZDtd?PLT(16151)

Seven doctors contract Covid after attending Florida anti-vaccine summit
Doctors tested positive or developed symptoms ‘within days’ of conference at which alternative treatments were discussed

Seven anti-vaccine doctors fell sick after gathering earlier this month for a Florida “summit” at which alternative treatments for Covid-19 were discussed.

“I have been on ivermectin for 16 months, my wife and I,” Dr Bruce Boros told the audience at the event held at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, adding: “I have never felt healthier in my life.”

The 71-year-old cardiologist and staunch anti-vaccine advocate contracted Covid-19 two days later, according to the head event organizer, Dr John Littell.

Littell, an Ocala family physician, also told the Daily Beast six other doctors among 800 to 900 participants at the event also tested positive or developed Covid-19 symptoms “within days of the conference”.

Littell raised the suggestion the conference was therefore a super-spreader event but rejected it, vehemently saying: “No.

“I think they had gotten it from New York or Michigan or wherever they were from,” he told the Beast. “It was really the people who flew in from other places.”

He also said: “Everybody so far has responded to treatment with ivermectin … Bruce is doing well.”

The Beast said sources close to Boros said he was gravely ill at his Key West home.

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic which has uses in humans but is predominantly used in livestock such as cows and horses. Authorities say it has no proven use against Covid-19 and can be dangerous if taken in large quantities.
The US Food and Drug Administration has not authorized or approved ivermectin as a Covid treatment and has said clinical trials are continuing.

2番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (スフッ Sd02-Znug)
垢版 |
2021/11/25(木) 12:34:27.29ID:LacGnZDtd?PLT(16151)

Boros has claimed ivermectin is “working where it’s being used around the world” as a Covid treatment.

In the same Facebook post, he condemned Dr Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, as “a fraud” and said “big pharma is playing us for suckers”.

In a July interview with Florida Keys Weekly, Boros responded to criticisms of his post, saying: “It breaks my heart that a town like this has made something so political and hateful. What’s wrong with people? I just want to help patients and keep them from dying.”

He also claimed that he gave a seriously ill Covid-19 patient ivermectin and “within six hours he was talking without coughing”.

At the summit in Ocala, Boros criticized his 97-year-old father for getting a Covid vaccine, saying: “He had been brainwashed … He got it. He didn’t tell me. I was very upset. I wanted to give him a spanking. He got both jabs.”

Earlier this year, a significant study supporting ivermectin as a Covid-19 treatment was withdrawn after data was found to have been falsified and patients nonexistent.

The FDA says people should “never use medications intended for animals on yourself or other people.
Animal ivermectin products are very different from those approved for humans. Use of animal ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of Covid-19 in humans is dangerous.”
2021/11/25(木) 14:54:24.73ID:kQ4dYXXC0
2021/11/25(木) 16:25:47.30ID:L6KL9izpd
2021/11/25(木) 20:24:35.92ID:xEi+qovI0
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