ロシア軍のハリコフへの攻撃により、ハリコフ国立文化アカデミーに通う中国人留学生4名が死亡し、そのうち2人の名前がJin TianhaoとLi Zhiであったと、アメリカのRFA(ラジオ・フリー・アジア)、大紀元(エポック・タイムズ、法輪功メディア)、地元ウクライナのObozrevatelが報道した。

Exclusive from Chinese Embassy in Ukraine: ‘Chinese students killed in Kharkiv school’ fake news
> Some media outlets including those holding a longstanding anti-China stance like Radio Free Asia and the Epoch Times, citing Ukrainian local media Obozrevatel, reported that the Russian army opened fire and killed 13 students in the academy, including four Chinese students, two of whom were Jin Tianhao and Li Zhi.
> However, after verifying with the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine told the Global Times on Friday that there were no Chinese students named Jin Tianhao or Li Zhi in the institute.
> The school building remains intact and the shells landed near the school, the embassy said.

【悲報】「ロシア軍の降伏勧告を拒否してウクライナ守備隊が全員玉砕!」→フェイクニュースと判明。実は全員生存!😨 [198098386]