FOXニュースが行ったJoe Conchaのインタビュー動画だね。

Meantime Hunter Biden, so the Justice department can prosecute him. Media outlets trying to wake up to under Biden scandals but others not so much right now.
you'll see a right-wing you know Outlets going completely out of the realm of what's real help you remember it.
oh well there's this thing called Google and the internet machine you can go back and see the way msnbc's Morning Show covered this and no they didn't cover it .
but didn't make it the lead story they torched this story they dismiss the story in the most Pious ways possible it's on tape and everything is quite remarkable and it's just the way things went right.
Carly Todd back in 2020 October show Media broadcasts print they participate in something called the end of a mission at that time or at least buy us out there because you can't know about some things we don't read about it when you don't see about it and when the hunter Biden story was covered here are some of the headlines at the time see you then.
the anatomy of the New York Post dubious Hunter Biden story Washington Post the truth behind schedule New York Times inside the White House secret last ditch effort to change the narrative and the election.
I think anyway in town tonight I think it it nicely this is an exercise in C Y A as in cover your derriere exactly is predicting here and they want to get the impression that they didn't care about this story and they did, except this is 17 months after they so piously dismissed it.
after they are tired I'm tired of your post had reported it and then our media Outlets call it Russian disinformation looks like several flavors of stupid down guys top story.
and that is a view shared by many in the mainstream media and Clay somebody from your absolute favorite publication in the Atlantic listening my problem is Hunter Biden's laptop is.
I think it's totally irrelevant I mean it's not whether it's disinformation or I mean I don't think the hunter Biden's business relationships have anything to do with the united states with the highest levels of other governments specifically or enemies as it pertains to Russia and China right.
And I think you're a Seinfeld guy I remember the Bubble Boy episode well this is the Bubble Girl episode right behind the story to be relevant.
I still don't ya that's all you need to know about this was Donald Trump jr. or Eric Trump.
you think that writer from the Atlantic wouldn't be calling this the biggest story of our lifetimes.
of course she would it's all based on the ideology of the son of the president that this story is impacting at this point

区切りがおかしいのと、固有名詞が違う(たとえば、Morning JoeがMorning Showになっている)が、まあだいたい正確。

このあとは、deepL なりグーグルなりで、翻訳すればよい。