
しかし、この状況が心配ではないというわけではありません。一方では、#Loire は一般的に9月にその年の最低水位に達するので、
フランス人の半数以上が、これほど低いレベルの #ロワール を見たことがないのです。

The flow currently observed is therefore low but not excessively rare with regard to historical data.
In fact, it corresponds almost exactly to the decadal low VCN3. That is to say,
at #climat constant, we expect to reach it over 3 days on average every 10 years.

This does not mean that the situation is not worrying.
On the one hand the #Loire generally reaches its lowest level of the year in September,
which means that the flow will probably decrease further, perhaps to the level of historical #sécheresses like 1976 …
On the other hand, if the current flow is not abnormal historically, it is compared to the last decades.
Since 1976, the Loire has only fallen below 100m³/s in Montjean 3 times: 1991, 2019 and 2022.
More than half of French people have never seen the #Loire at such a low level.