
Noel Gallagher reckons most people think “Whatever” about the Royal Family.

The former Oasis star believes Britons only cared about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee because they got extra time off work.

Noel, 55, said he was surprised when his staff told him they were taking the bank holidays off as “the music business should not stop for the monarchy”.

He said: “Some of the people who work for me, I was like, ‘See you tomorrow’. They went, ‘Oh, we’re off tomorrow. We’ve got the day off for the jubilee’.

“I was like, ‘f***ing royalists in the music business?’ I’m not having the day off, you’re not having the day off’. Anyway they all had the day off.”

Noel said the 1977 Silver Jubilee was more of a big deal. “Now, it’s appeal is dwindling, like religion,” he said.

“There are other things for people to be interested in.

“I’ve got a security guard who is a royalist, he’s very much ‘this great country’, one of them.

“But they are dwarfed by people who are like ‘whatever, thanks for the day off but whatever’.

“The monarchy as a thing is a bit farcical – and if anybody thinks we are one’s subjects then they are very much mistaken.”
Noel admits he will be sad when the Queen, 96, dies because he does not remember a time when she was not the head of the state.

He said he felt sorry for her heir Prince Charles and his sons William and Harry as they were born into the institution.