Ukraine will struggle to win the war and Russia will struggle to lose, increasing pressure for a negotiated solution
The scene is set for summer offensives, with both sides focused on different objectives. By the end, both sides will be exhausted, short of ammunition, and in dire need of a break - the conditions for negotiation.

The West has committed to support Ukraine's battle against the Russian invasion, but what can Ukraine realistically expect to achieve with its forthcoming offensive?

Will the West continue to perpetuate an unwinnable war for Ukraine, or is the forthcoming battle simply a way to move the frontline in anticipation of some form of truce or ceasefire later this year?

From a Ukrainian offensive perspective, the three main areas of focus are the Donbas, Crimea, and the land bridge between the two regions. But what would be the Ukrainian priority given their limited resources, and where would they expect to reap the greatest progress?