ネオコンの女王ことビクトリア・ヌーランド国務次官、辞任wwww [878970802]
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2番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 9f36-uk/B)
2024/03/06(水) 02:53:55.77ID:P9Q2bUz40 自動翻訳
アントニー・ブリンケン国務長官は火曜日にこのニュースを発表し、ヌーランド氏の "外交をわが国の外交政策の中心に戻し、わが国と世界にとって極めて重要な時期にアメリカの世界的リーダーシップを活性化させた "功績を称えた。
アントニー・ブリンケン国務長官は火曜日にこのニュースを発表し、ヌーランド氏の "外交をわが国の外交政策の中心に戻し、わが国と世界にとって極めて重要な時期にアメリカの世界的リーダーシップを活性化させた "功績を称えた。
4安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW 9f70-MMsg)
2024/03/06(水) 02:55:57.35ID:C4tvi/gU0 >>3
5安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW cba2-JCcX)
2024/03/06(水) 02:56:10.30ID:FoUW5hy/0 本格的にウクライナ関係を店じまいするんだな
6安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW 9f05-rJES)
2024/03/06(水) 02:56:25.80ID:Ikv0+D1r0 ウクライナしゅーりょー
7番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0fa2-FATS)
2024/03/06(水) 02:57:06.88ID:BKXr2Dys0 えぇ!?ウクライナで政策を主導していた、あのマイダンのクッキーモンスターが!?
8安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. (ワッチョイ dfad-FATS)
2024/03/06(水) 02:57:42.80ID:iHa6D0xn0 アメリカの竹中平蔵
9安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW cba2-JCcX)
2024/03/06(水) 02:57:52.66ID:FoUW5hy/0 ほんまネオコンって醜悪だわ
10安倍晋三 (ワッチョイW cb12-2Nuv)
2024/03/06(水) 03:09:58.72ID:VP35Wefp011安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. (ワッチョイW 1f91-ShbT)
2024/03/06(水) 03:11:08.21ID:Yxe7SvS20 まあフランスとドイツの件で充分EUとロシアの文壇は成功したしな
12安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. (ワッチョイW 1f91-ShbT)
2024/03/06(水) 03:12:09.87ID:Yxe7SvS20 >>11
13安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイ 4fa2-uB8S)
2024/03/06(水) 03:17:10.38ID:ZEQORHBo0 ガチのマジで徹底して対ソ・対露だけで人生を歩み、キャリアを築いてきたババア
14安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW 6b13-mh1p)
2024/03/06(水) 03:18:13.18ID:vaCx0fy60 ガチで畜生だったよなー
15安倍晋三🏺🏺 ◆abeshinzo. (ワッチョイW 9f60-aHSL)
2024/03/06(水) 03:20:15.45ID:pvv6mgkj0 ウクライナに化学兵器工場あるわけないやんw
16番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ cbaf-/BY0)
2024/03/06(水) 03:52:41.88ID:Lq5aGlVX0 >>4
17安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW 9f70-MMsg)
2024/03/06(水) 04:07:31.51ID:C4tvi/gU018番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (オッペケ Sr4f-/BY0)
2024/03/06(水) 04:12:44.58ID:0XGX8V3Hr >>17
19番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 9bdf-xcWL)
2024/03/06(水) 04:23:08.85ID:SsOOoRdG0 どっかの選挙に出馬するんだろ
20安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. (ワッチョイW 3b1c-k/QU)
2024/03/06(水) 04:28:41.14ID:g0YxWh6/0 どんな発言してた?
21番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 5fe7-MGTw)
2024/03/06(水) 04:29:27.37ID:spsqN7hE0 ネオコンの源流がトロツキズムってガチなの?
22安倍晋三 (ワッチョイ cbf5-lvv7)
2024/03/06(水) 04:30:14.69ID:o8uh1Xm80 ヌートリア
23番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ササクッテロラ Sp4f-/BY0)
2024/03/06(水) 04:32:00.09ID:cMR78oM7p トランプ確定か
24安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. 転載するな (JP 0Hcf-yPoG)
2024/03/06(水) 04:51:44.05ID:qsRcpmR6H 10年前のウクライナのクーデターの時にクッキーを配ってた人
25安倍壺三 (ワッチョイ ef2a-JZlk)
2024/03/06(水) 04:53:23.32ID:A1JfvXOx0 ネオコン負けを悟ったの?
26🏺の安倍晋三🏺はサタン (ワッチョイW 9b8f-esW7)
2024/03/06(水) 04:53:49.10ID:Q28R5IeV027安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW 8ba5-4tTg)
2024/03/06(水) 04:54:08.73ID:ylU6aOGw0 ウクライナに生物兵器の施設作らせて実験させてた一味だっけ
28🏺の安倍晋三🏺はサタン (ワッチョイW 9b8f-esW7)
2024/03/06(水) 04:55:15.07ID:Q28R5IeV0 >>11
29安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW 8b9c-JQeX)
2024/03/06(水) 04:57:30.00ID:OI+VH0AL030🏺の安倍晋三🏺はサタン (ワッチョイW 9b8f-esW7)
2024/03/06(水) 05:00:05.53ID:Q28R5IeV0 >>21
31🏺の安倍晋三🏺はサタン (ワッチョイW 9b8f-esW7)
2024/03/06(水) 05:01:55.50ID:Q28R5IeV0 >>30
32安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW ef84-JCcX)
2024/03/06(水) 05:11:36.02ID:vCndBIHJ0 >>17
33安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW ab40-M7fq)
2024/03/06(水) 05:14:00.47ID:pNoi/b3Q0 >>21
34🏺 (ワッチョイW eb08-WwTI)
2024/03/06(水) 05:23:16.90ID:7yxyES8/0 完全にトランプに飲まれたよね
35安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW 9f56-t9Wf)
2024/03/06(水) 05:32:32.19ID:SpoqBRfu0 ババア乙
36番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 9f56-JCcX)
2024/03/06(水) 05:38:56.56ID:lRAW3F5H0 マイダン革命の時に頻繁にウクライナを訪問した革命の立役者として有名なヌーランドね
37安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. 転載するな (JP 0Hcf-yPoG)
2024/03/06(水) 05:41:52.26ID:qsRcpmR6H https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FT4mMOxWIAAVS7Q.jpg
38安倍🏺 (ワッチョイW 9be9-6vch)
2024/03/06(水) 05:46:26.14ID:yqiHjXwW0 ザハロワさん「どうしてだが言いましょうか。訳は単純なことです。バイデン 政権の反露路線が失敗したから。ヴィクトリア・ヌーランドが米国の基本的外交路線として提案してきたロシア嫌悪が重石となって、民主党を奈落の底に引っ張っているのです」
39番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ ef21-zqCT)
2024/03/06(水) 05:54:26.46ID:/ALpbrn10 ウク信の希望の星だったのにね
40番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 9fe1-Kmjw)
2024/03/06(水) 05:58:56.74ID:WSnb0emC0 今回のウクライナ戦争を企てた首謀者であり
41安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW ab40-M7fq)
2024/03/06(水) 06:02:15.35ID:pNoi/b3Q0 この人はメディアの影響を受けやすいウク信さんを操る側の人だからね
42番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 3bd0-zqCT)
2024/03/06(水) 06:03:51.54ID:jw9KrRbU0 次の職が決まったんだろ
43番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 3b8f-9ODU)
2024/03/06(水) 06:53:19.13ID:Rvune5H20 クソババアざまあ
44安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. (ワッチョイ dfad-FATS)
2024/03/06(水) 06:53:43.71ID:iHa6D0xn045番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 1f94-YNsC)
2024/03/06(水) 07:03:50.30ID:Dytu2XW50 The designer leaves. What does Victoria Nuland's resignation mean?
March 5, 2024
The resignation of US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland was announced today . This is far from an ordinary American official. For more than 10 years (with a short break during the reign of Donald Trump), she was in fact the architect and designer of US policy towards Ukraine.
Almost everyone interested in politics in Ukraine remembers the Maidan-era meme about Nuland’s cookies and the wiretapped conversation she had with the US Ambassador to Ukraine about the political prospects of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, when she positively assessed his candidacy as the future Prime Minister of Ukraine.
But its influence on various kinds of processes in Ukraine and around Ukraine was much greater than what is known from the open press.
It was she who played (together with then Vice President Joe Biden) one of the key roles in building the system of post-Maidan power in Ukraine. She negotiated with Vladislav Surkov on the implementation of the political part of the Minsk agreements (the special status of Donbass) and came to Kyiv to agitate Verkhovna Rada deputies to vote for their implementation (which was never done).
March 5, 2024
The resignation of US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland was announced today . This is far from an ordinary American official. For more than 10 years (with a short break during the reign of Donald Trump), she was in fact the architect and designer of US policy towards Ukraine.
Almost everyone interested in politics in Ukraine remembers the Maidan-era meme about Nuland’s cookies and the wiretapped conversation she had with the US Ambassador to Ukraine about the political prospects of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, when she positively assessed his candidacy as the future Prime Minister of Ukraine.
But its influence on various kinds of processes in Ukraine and around Ukraine was much greater than what is known from the open press.
It was she who played (together with then Vice President Joe Biden) one of the key roles in building the system of post-Maidan power in Ukraine. She negotiated with Vladislav Surkov on the implementation of the political part of the Minsk agreements (the special status of Donbass) and came to Kyiv to agitate Verkhovna Rada deputies to vote for their implementation (which was never done).
46番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 1f94-YNsC)
2024/03/06(水) 07:05:28.70ID:Dytu2XW50 >>45
After Biden became president, Nuland was promoted to the position of deputy secretary of state, covering not only Ukraine but also other regions of the world. Although she did not lose her focus on Kyiv. And just recently I was in the capital on a visit , shortly after which Valery Zaluzhny was fired from his post as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Although, according to Western media, Nuland was not happy with this decision, they did not listen to her position at Bankova.
In general, it was she who became one of the most important people who shaped US policy towards Ukraine.
And the fact that she is resigning now is extremely indicative from the point of view of the impasse into which this policy has reached over the past 10 years.
Maidan turned into a harsh form with the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovych and subsequent shocks such as the annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbass, the active phase of which ended with the Minsk agreements, blessed by the Americans, but never implemented due to the reluctance of the Ukrainian authorities to fulfill their political part. Moreover, Washington was unable to control the process, although Nuland made certain attempts in this direction.
After Biden became president, Nuland was promoted to the position of deputy secretary of state, covering not only Ukraine but also other regions of the world. Although she did not lose her focus on Kyiv. And just recently I was in the capital on a visit , shortly after which Valery Zaluzhny was fired from his post as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Although, according to Western media, Nuland was not happy with this decision, they did not listen to her position at Bankova.
In general, it was she who became one of the most important people who shaped US policy towards Ukraine.
And the fact that she is resigning now is extremely indicative from the point of view of the impasse into which this policy has reached over the past 10 years.
Maidan turned into a harsh form with the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovych and subsequent shocks such as the annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbass, the active phase of which ended with the Minsk agreements, blessed by the Americans, but never implemented due to the reluctance of the Ukrainian authorities to fulfill their political part. Moreover, Washington was unable to control the process, although Nuland made certain attempts in this direction.
47番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 1f94-YNsC)
2024/03/06(水) 07:06:43.47ID:Dytu2XW50 >>46
To this we can add the lack of real progress in the fight against total corruption, unresolved economic problems, the practice of extrajudicial reprisals against Ukrainian citizens introduced on the eve of the war through the sanctions of the National Security and Defense Council, which the United States did not interfere with, and in some cases directly approved the sanctions. Which, was one of the reasons for the start of a full-scale war.
And finally, the Russian invasion itself, which the United States could not prevent, is connected with this policy. And after it began, despite many loud words, they were unable to provide the proper level of support for Ukraine, which led to the failure of last year’s offensive and to the current difficult situation at the front.
All this, superimposed on the sharp aggravation of internal political contradictions in the United States itself, caused in the West a feeling of a dead end in its Ukrainian strategy, one of the main designers of which was Nuland.
And in this regard, her departure looks quite natural. The process needs a new designer. Or rather, even a new design.
To this we can add the lack of real progress in the fight against total corruption, unresolved economic problems, the practice of extrajudicial reprisals against Ukrainian citizens introduced on the eve of the war through the sanctions of the National Security and Defense Council, which the United States did not interfere with, and in some cases directly approved the sanctions. Which, was one of the reasons for the start of a full-scale war.
And finally, the Russian invasion itself, which the United States could not prevent, is connected with this policy. And after it began, despite many loud words, they were unable to provide the proper level of support for Ukraine, which led to the failure of last year’s offensive and to the current difficult situation at the front.
All this, superimposed on the sharp aggravation of internal political contradictions in the United States itself, caused in the West a feeling of a dead end in its Ukrainian strategy, one of the main designers of which was Nuland.
And in this regard, her departure looks quite natural. The process needs a new designer. Or rather, even a new design.
48番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (アウアウウーT Sa0f-FATS)
2024/03/06(水) 07:13:30.96ID:KZymHevca 旦那もPNAC所属のネオコンだしな
49番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 1f94-YNsC)
2024/03/06(水) 07:14:22.10ID:Dytu2XW50 Pioneer camp, cookies and meetings with Surkov. What is Victoria Nuland famous for returning to the State Department?
January 7, 2021
Biography of Victoria Nuland
Victoria Nuland will celebrate her 60th birthday on July 1st. She was born in the USA, in the state of Connecticut. Her paternal grandparents were Jewish, had the surname Nudelman and lived in the Russian Empire until the early 1900s. Even in his youth, the father of the former US Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, a famous surgeon, professor of bioethics and writer Shepsel Ber Nudelman, decided to Americanize and changed his last name to Nuland.
After school, Victoria Nuland studied at a private college, and then at a prestigious private university - Brown University at the Faculty of Public Policy. Thus, she received a “ticket” into the world of diplomacy. On duty, she visited various countries, including former Soviet republics, and actively studied Russian.
In 1982, she visited Odessa, where she worked as an exchange counselor at the Young Guard pioneer camp.
And then for eight months she worked as a translator on a Soviet fishing vessel. In an interview with the New York Times in 2012, Victoria said that since then, “my favorite drink remains an ice-cold Stolichnaya, with a view of the ocean.”
“My task was to be in charge of radio communications between the fish processing ship and the Americans to ensure the delivery of fish to the deck. We were all young people who were learning Russian and looking for adventure, living side by side with the Russians,” she recalls of that work.
Nuland's political career began in 1985. Then I went to Guangzhou, China. Promotion for good service was a transfer to the State Department Bureau for the Pacific and East Asia. Despite this, the diplomat continued to show interest in the USSR. As a result, she was sent to oversee issues on the Soviet Union in Ulaanbaatar (the capital of Mongolia).
Since 1991, Nuland had already been transferred to Moscow, to the US Embassy, where she was responsible for relations with the government of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin. In 1993, she was entrusted with the expansion of NATO, as well as the nuclear disarmament of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
January 7, 2021
Biography of Victoria Nuland
Victoria Nuland will celebrate her 60th birthday on July 1st. She was born in the USA, in the state of Connecticut. Her paternal grandparents were Jewish, had the surname Nudelman and lived in the Russian Empire until the early 1900s. Even in his youth, the father of the former US Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, a famous surgeon, professor of bioethics and writer Shepsel Ber Nudelman, decided to Americanize and changed his last name to Nuland.
After school, Victoria Nuland studied at a private college, and then at a prestigious private university - Brown University at the Faculty of Public Policy. Thus, she received a “ticket” into the world of diplomacy. On duty, she visited various countries, including former Soviet republics, and actively studied Russian.
In 1982, she visited Odessa, where she worked as an exchange counselor at the Young Guard pioneer camp.
And then for eight months she worked as a translator on a Soviet fishing vessel. In an interview with the New York Times in 2012, Victoria said that since then, “my favorite drink remains an ice-cold Stolichnaya, with a view of the ocean.”
“My task was to be in charge of radio communications between the fish processing ship and the Americans to ensure the delivery of fish to the deck. We were all young people who were learning Russian and looking for adventure, living side by side with the Russians,” she recalls of that work.
Nuland's political career began in 1985. Then I went to Guangzhou, China. Promotion for good service was a transfer to the State Department Bureau for the Pacific and East Asia. Despite this, the diplomat continued to show interest in the USSR. As a result, she was sent to oversee issues on the Soviet Union in Ulaanbaatar (the capital of Mongolia).
Since 1991, Nuland had already been transferred to Moscow, to the US Embassy, where she was responsible for relations with the government of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin. In 1993, she was entrusted with the expansion of NATO, as well as the nuclear disarmament of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
50番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 1f94-YNsC)
2024/03/06(水) 07:15:53.71ID:Dytu2XW50 >>49
In the late 90s, Victoria took the post of Deputy Director of the State Department for the Affairs of the Former USSR. She represented America's political interests in relations with Russia and the Caucasus countries.
In the early 2000s, she joined the US Council on Foreign Affairs - she fought with world powers that showed anti-Americanism and criticized American values.
The next stage of his career is associated with the North Atlantic Alliance. In 2001, she became Deputy US Representative to NATO. She brought seven new members to the Alliance. Worked on the creation of the Russia-NATO Council. Provided support for the deployment of NATO forces outside Afghanistan in 2003, following the invasion of Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein.
In the mid-2000s, Victoria worked at the US National Security Council. There she worked on global issues related to Afghanistan, Iraq, the Middle East and Lebanon. As a promotion, she received the post of permanent US representative to NATO and, at the same time, continued to oversee issues related to Russia and the expansion of the alliance.
In 2011, with the wording “for unsurpassed professionalism,” she was entrusted with the position of press secretary of the US State Department. She worked there for two years, and already in 2013 she took the oath of office as Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs. Her successor as Speaker of the State Department was Jennifer Psaki, who became famous for her statement “about the sea shores of Belarus.”
In the late 90s, Victoria took the post of Deputy Director of the State Department for the Affairs of the Former USSR. She represented America's political interests in relations with Russia and the Caucasus countries.
In the early 2000s, she joined the US Council on Foreign Affairs - she fought with world powers that showed anti-Americanism and criticized American values.
The next stage of his career is associated with the North Atlantic Alliance. In 2001, she became Deputy US Representative to NATO. She brought seven new members to the Alliance. Worked on the creation of the Russia-NATO Council. Provided support for the deployment of NATO forces outside Afghanistan in 2003, following the invasion of Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein.
In the mid-2000s, Victoria worked at the US National Security Council. There she worked on global issues related to Afghanistan, Iraq, the Middle East and Lebanon. As a promotion, she received the post of permanent US representative to NATO and, at the same time, continued to oversee issues related to Russia and the expansion of the alliance.
In 2011, with the wording “for unsurpassed professionalism,” she was entrusted with the position of press secretary of the US State Department. She worked there for two years, and already in 2013 she took the oath of office as Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs. Her successor as Speaker of the State Department was Jennifer Psaki, who became famous for her statement “about the sea shores of Belarus.”
51番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 1f94-YNsC)
2024/03/06(水) 07:17:20.20ID:Dytu2XW50 >>50
In her new post, Victoria Nuland took an active part in the events at Euromaidan. According to her, in 2013 she came to the capital of Ukraine almost once a month.
In 2014, the diplomat found herself at the center of a scandal after the release of an audio recording of a conversation. In a conversation with the then US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, she spoke obscenely about the participation of the European Union in resolving the political crisis (which we will discuss below).
After the annexation of Crimea and the outbreak of the war in Donbass, Nuland was one of the negotiators with Russia on the topic of Ukraine. And I talked about this with Putin’s assistant Vladislav Surkov.
In 2017, after Donald Trump came to power and disagreeing with his policies, Nuland left the State Department. Now, according to media reports, four years after Joe Biden’s victory, Nuland is applying for the post of US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.
In her new post, Victoria Nuland took an active part in the events at Euromaidan. According to her, in 2013 she came to the capital of Ukraine almost once a month.
In 2014, the diplomat found herself at the center of a scandal after the release of an audio recording of a conversation. In a conversation with the then US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, she spoke obscenely about the participation of the European Union in resolving the political crisis (which we will discuss below).
After the annexation of Crimea and the outbreak of the war in Donbass, Nuland was one of the negotiators with Russia on the topic of Ukraine. And I talked about this with Putin’s assistant Vladislav Surkov.
In 2017, after Donald Trump came to power and disagreeing with his policies, Nuland left the State Department. Now, according to media reports, four years after Joe Biden’s victory, Nuland is applying for the post of US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.
52番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 1f94-YNsC)
2024/03/06(水) 07:20:36.38ID:Dytu2XW50 >>51
From "cookies" to the cassette scandal
Victoria Nuland's return to power has already caused rejoicing in the ranks of the Soros, who began publishing joint photos with the influential American. As before, they posted pictures with future US President Joe Biden on social networks .
Ex-People's Deputy Sergei Leshchenko posted a photo on Telegram with Nuland and his former colleague in the Rada, Mustafa Nayem. And he wrote that Victoria was responsible for Ukraine under Obama.
Indeed, after the publication of the “ Derkach tapes ,” in which Vice President Biden gave orders to Poroshenko, Victoria Nuland’s role in Ukrainian affairs was somehow obscured.
Meanwhile, it was she who led many Ukrainian topics - and her active participation began right from Euromaidan.
On December 11, 2013 - that is, at the height of the protests - the Deputy Secretary of State went to the main square of the country and began distributing cookies from a large bag. First it went to the protesters, then to the Berkut members.
True, the soldiers did not want to take anything at first, but Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, who accompanied Nuland, began to take out gifts and put them in the hands of law enforcement officers.
From "cookies" to the cassette scandal
Victoria Nuland's return to power has already caused rejoicing in the ranks of the Soros, who began publishing joint photos with the influential American. As before, they posted pictures with future US President Joe Biden on social networks .
Ex-People's Deputy Sergei Leshchenko posted a photo on Telegram with Nuland and his former colleague in the Rada, Mustafa Nayem. And he wrote that Victoria was responsible for Ukraine under Obama.
Indeed, after the publication of the “ Derkach tapes ,” in which Vice President Biden gave orders to Poroshenko, Victoria Nuland’s role in Ukrainian affairs was somehow obscured.
Meanwhile, it was she who led many Ukrainian topics - and her active participation began right from Euromaidan.
On December 11, 2013 - that is, at the height of the protests - the Deputy Secretary of State went to the main square of the country and began distributing cookies from a large bag. First it went to the protesters, then to the Berkut members.
True, the soldiers did not want to take anything at first, but Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, who accompanied Nuland, began to take out gifts and put them in the hands of law enforcement officers.
53番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 1f94-YNsC)
2024/03/06(水) 07:22:38.97ID:Dytu2XW50 >>52
“Nuland cookies” then became a meme, which was used in a negative sense for the Maidan - as a symbol of external intervention in internal Ukrainian conflicts.
And, although the cookies went to people on both sides of the barricades, the very fact of the uninvited appearance of a foreign official at the epicenter of the confrontation looked scandalous. This was a gross violation of diplomatic etiquette.
At the same time, it became clear that it was Nuland who was closely involved in the events in Kyiv. This understanding was strengthened after the tape scandal in early February - when Victoria’s negotiations with US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt were leaked online.
In them, American officials openly say that the government of Ukraine after the Maidan should be headed by Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Which, by the way, happened less than a month later. And Vitaliy Klitschko, according to them, should not be part of the central government (which also came true).
“Nuland cookies” then became a meme, which was used in a negative sense for the Maidan - as a symbol of external intervention in internal Ukrainian conflicts.
And, although the cookies went to people on both sides of the barricades, the very fact of the uninvited appearance of a foreign official at the epicenter of the confrontation looked scandalous. This was a gross violation of diplomatic etiquette.
At the same time, it became clear that it was Nuland who was closely involved in the events in Kyiv. This understanding was strengthened after the tape scandal in early February - when Victoria’s negotiations with US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt were leaked online.
In them, American officials openly say that the government of Ukraine after the Maidan should be headed by Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Which, by the way, happened less than a month later. And Vitaliy Klitschko, according to them, should not be part of the central government (which also came true).
54安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW 3bec-eBM3)
2024/03/06(水) 07:23:01.88ID:Egmde6r00 実はロシアのスパイだったりして
55安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. (JPW 0H7f-uKB+)
2024/03/06(水) 07:26:12.53ID:yk58hEPDH ウクライナの損切りが決まったか
56安倍晋三🏺 (ブーイモ MMcf-Yn/q)
2024/03/06(水) 08:04:51.73ID:bnPHBlZvM >>21
Irving Kristol - Wikipedia
>Irving William Kristol (/ˈkrɪstəl/; January 22, 1920 – September 18, 2009) was an American journalist
>who was dubbed the "godfather of neoconservatism".[1][2]
>In college he was a member of the Young People's Socialist League and was part of a small but vocal group of
>Trotskyist anti-Soviets who later became known as the New York Intellectuals.
Irving Kristol - Wikipedia
>Irving William Kristol (/ˈkrɪstəl/; January 22, 1920 – September 18, 2009) was an American journalist
>who was dubbed the "godfather of neoconservatism".[1][2]
>In college he was a member of the Young People's Socialist League and was part of a small but vocal group of
>Trotskyist anti-Soviets who later became known as the New York Intellectuals.
57番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ efef-zqCT)
2024/03/06(水) 08:14:41.98ID:yax5SOVw059番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW efa4-AMdB)
2024/03/06(水) 09:11:27.85ID:8fK0y2aa0 ウク信はISWの創設者が誰かも知らないで、ISWの記事連呼してたのか
60番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW ef18-AMdB)
2024/03/06(水) 09:19:39.79ID:8fK0y2aa0 ビクトリア・ヌーランドが2021年のジョー・バイデン大統領の就任後に政府に復帰した年に起きた事振り返り
2021年 黒海でウクライナ軍とNATO合同演習
2021年冬 ゼレンスキー親露派地域への攻撃を激化
2021年 黒海でウクライナ軍とNATO合同演習
2021年冬 ゼレンスキー親露派地域への攻撃を激化
61番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW ef18-AMdB)
2024/03/06(水) 09:21:01.31ID:8fK0y2aa0 ゼレンスキーもヌーランド復帰でロシアと戦争やる気出しまくったのが2021
62番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW ef18-AMdB)
2024/03/06(水) 09:24:15.91ID:8fK0y2aa0 アントニー・ブリンケン国務長官は、ビクトリア・ヌーランド国務副長官が間もなく辞任する予定であると発表した。この高官は外交政策のタカ派として広くみなされており、2014年に西側諸国が支援するキエフのクーデターで重要な役割を果たした。
ブリンケン氏は火曜日の声明で 、友人の「トリア」氏が35年のキャリアを通じて、領事館員から大使、副長官に至るまで国務省のほとんどの職を歴任してきたと指摘した。彼女の最近の役職は政務次官でした。彼女はまた、2023年7月にウェンディ・シャーマン氏が退任した後、先月カート・キャンベル氏がポストに就任することが確認されるまで、ブリンケン氏の代理を務めていた。
ヌーランドはマイダンの蜂起とその後のキエフのクーデターに直接関与した。2013年12月に彼女はウクライナを訪れ、キエフの中央広場で武装デモ参加者にペストリーを配った。その後、 2014年2月のクーデターの数日前に、彼女が当時のキエフ米国大使ジェフリー・パイアットと「このことを助産する」方法について話し合っている様子が記録されていた。
ブリンケン氏は火曜日の声明で 、友人の「トリア」氏が35年のキャリアを通じて、領事館員から大使、副長官に至るまで国務省のほとんどの職を歴任してきたと指摘した。彼女の最近の役職は政務次官でした。彼女はまた、2023年7月にウェンディ・シャーマン氏が退任した後、先月カート・キャンベル氏がポストに就任することが確認されるまで、ブリンケン氏の代理を務めていた。
ヌーランドはマイダンの蜂起とその後のキエフのクーデターに直接関与した。2013年12月に彼女はウクライナを訪れ、キエフの中央広場で武装デモ参加者にペストリーを配った。その後、 2014年2月のクーデターの数日前に、彼女が当時のキエフ米国大使ジェフリー・パイアットと「このことを助産する」方法について話し合っている様子が記録されていた。
63番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW ef18-AMdB)
2024/03/06(水) 09:24:48.94ID:8fK0y2aa0 彼女はトランプ政権中に国務省を辞任し、シンクタンク「新アメリカ安全保障センター」(CNAS)の指揮を執った後、オルブライト・ストーンブリッジ・グループと全米民主主義基金(NED)の理事に加わった。彼女は2021年のジョー・バイデン大統領の就任後に政府に復帰した。
その立場で、彼女はウクライナに武装し、ロシアとの紛争のためにキエフに武器と弾薬を供給する西側連合の結成に取り組んできた。先月、彼女は 議会に対し、 ウクライナへの610億ドルの資金提供を承認するよう懇願し、その大半は兵器産業での雇用創出のために「米国経済にそのまま還元される」と主張した。
彼女の最近のキエフ訪問では、 ワレリー・ザルジニ将軍に代わってウラジミール・ゼレンスキー大統領との介入が含まれた が、無駄だった。その後、ザルジニー氏は解雇された。
2月末のCNNのインタビューでヌーランド氏は 米国の対モスクワ政策の敗北を認め 、今日のロシアは「率直に言って我々が望んでいたロシアではない」と述べた。
その立場で、彼女はウクライナに武装し、ロシアとの紛争のためにキエフに武器と弾薬を供給する西側連合の結成に取り組んできた。先月、彼女は 議会に対し、 ウクライナへの610億ドルの資金提供を承認するよう懇願し、その大半は兵器産業での雇用創出のために「米国経済にそのまま還元される」と主張した。
彼女の最近のキエフ訪問では、 ワレリー・ザルジニ将軍に代わってウラジミール・ゼレンスキー大統領との介入が含まれた が、無駄だった。その後、ザルジニー氏は解雇された。
2月末のCNNのインタビューでヌーランド氏は 米国の対モスクワ政策の敗北を認め 、今日のロシアは「率直に言って我々が望んでいたロシアではない」と述べた。
64安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイ cb89-PZPL)
2024/03/06(水) 09:25:42.36ID:uDi7MXNI0 ブリンケンもこのババアもユダヤ系
66番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 1ba3-7bv0)
2024/03/06(水) 09:32:35.74ID:6nXfq9HN0 暗殺しないとダメだろこんなババア
67安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. (ワッチョイW cb2b-kalY)
2024/03/06(水) 09:41:58.26ID:22khPgxK0 こいつらネオコン一味のお陰でアメリカの没落が確定してしまったね
68安倍晋三🏺 ◆C3g6ph46co (ワッチョイW ef6a-XPnJ)
2024/03/06(水) 09:55:40.96ID:qm3kjUgD0 手のひら返しの伏線なら良いんだかどうかな
69安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイ fb83-Pjf1)
2024/03/06(水) 09:58:31.08ID:wHA6TXX70 臭いメシ食う人生になるわけではないんでしょ?
70番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW ef1e-AMdB)
2024/03/06(水) 10:20:34.86ID:8fK0y2aa0 そうロシアとウクライナ人と西側傭兵を大量に殺しまくって
71番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0fa2-FATS)
2024/03/06(水) 11:02:47.23ID:BKXr2Dys0 >ヌーランド氏の後任には、一時的に別のキャリア外交官、元駐アフガニスタン大使で米国の同国からの撤退を監督したジョン・バス氏が次官として就任する。
72安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW ab40-M7fq)
2024/03/06(水) 11:22:21.86ID:pNoi/b3Q0 この人たちにとってアメリカの国益とかはあまり関係ないもんね
73番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW ef6f-AMdB)
2024/03/06(水) 11:29:53.04ID:8fK0y2aa0 この人達の国益ってのは武器で脅して相手をアメリカの都合いいようにさせる事なんだけど
74安倍晋三 (ワッチョイW ab4e-U4om)
2024/03/06(水) 11:33:58.52ID:sYvcA25K0 ドイツ系メディアでもウクライナからの撤退を示唆と分析
75安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW ab40-M7fq)
2024/03/06(水) 11:41:21.64ID:pNoi/b3Q0 ヌーランドがいなくなるということはウクライナ戦争の終結とともにバイデンも選挙から撤退するかもね
76番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0fa2-FATS)
2024/03/06(水) 11:46:05.28ID:BKXr2Dys0 >>74
77安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. (ワッチョイW 4f85-rJES)
2024/03/06(水) 11:47:13.75ID:ra6lbDjg078ななし (ワッチョイW 9b23-qFKQ)
2024/03/06(水) 11:58:54.38ID:vpNhN9OZ0 自国が反撃されたら世界中に核兵器撃つと脅しながらウクライナに攻め入ったプーチンの行為を成功させてはいけないからロシアからウクライナを守らないといけない、
80安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW 3b4b-PgXn)
2024/03/06(水) 12:04:25.84ID:gGgyIgZi0 >>78
81安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. (ワッチョイW 4fba-GhGN)
2024/03/06(水) 12:11:32.71ID:NluJ/H9o0 岸田文雄どーすんの?
83安倍🏺 (ワッチョイW 9bf2-6vch)
2024/03/06(水) 12:25:26.99ID:yqiHjXwW0 >>81
84安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW 3bec-eBM3)
2024/03/06(水) 12:59:53.51ID:Egmde6r00 近々ウクライナがアメリカから提供されたGLSDBでロシア本土を攻撃するって噂があるな
2024/03/06(水) 13:00:00.18 マイダン革命主導したヌーランドもユダヤ人
2024/03/06(水) 13:01:03.15 ヌーランド、ウクライナについて「この資金の大部分は、兵器を製造するためにアメリカに還流していることを忘れてはならない」
87番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (スププ Sdbf-rmvJ)
2024/03/06(水) 13:06:21.54ID:TTHjR56fd88安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. (ワッチョイW ab84-cx+5)
2024/03/06(水) 13:15:26.82ID:G/De8bcO0 レオパルト、チャレンジャー、エイブラムスの世界三大戦車が無様にもぶっ壊されてその模様を世界に大公開されてるもんな
89番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0f8f-0WZ8)
2024/03/06(水) 13:36:16.34ID:7CBvqylk0 10) 2022 年 1 月 27 日、ビクトリア・ヌーランド国務次官は、「ロシアがウクライナに侵攻した場合、何らかの形でノルド・ストリーム 2 は前進しないだろう」と述べた。
90番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0f8f-0WZ8)
2024/03/06(水) 13:38:15.44ID:7CBvqylk091番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0f8f-0WZ8)
2024/03/06(水) 13:39:01.71ID:7CBvqylk0 https://twitter.com/ivan_8848/status/1765054186012430657
ビクトリア・ヌーランドの夫、ロバート・ケーガンは、2001年9月11日のテロ攻撃から9日後にジョージ・W・ブッシュに公開書簡を書き、「たとえ証拠がイラクと攻撃を直接結び付けていないとしても、イラクに侵攻してサダム・フセインを排除するよう」と訴えた。 」
ビクトリア・ヌーランドの夫、ロバート・ケーガンは、2001年9月11日のテロ攻撃から9日後にジョージ・W・ブッシュに公開書簡を書き、「たとえ証拠がイラクと攻撃を直接結び付けていないとしても、イラクに侵攻してサダム・フセインを排除するよう」と訴えた。 」
92番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0f8f-0WZ8)
2024/03/06(水) 13:40:43.03ID:7CBvqylk0 アントニー・ブリンケン国務長官は、ビクトリア・ヌーランド国務副長官が間もなく辞任する予定であると発表した。この高官は外交政策のタカ派として広くみなされており、2014年に西側諸国が支援するキエフのクーデターで重要な役割を果たした。
ブリンケン氏は火曜日の声明で 、友人の「トリア」氏が35年のキャリアを通じて、領事館員から大使、副長官に至るまで国務省のほとんどの職を歴任してきたと指摘した。彼女の最近の役職は政務次官でした。彼女はまた、2023年7月にウェンディ・シャーマン氏が退任した後、先月カート・キャンベル氏がポストに就任することが確認されるまで、ブリンケン氏の代理を務めていた。
ヌーランドはマイダンの蜂起とその後のキエフのクーデターに直接関与した。2013年12月に彼女はウクライナを訪れ、キエフの中央広場で武装デモ参加者にペストリーを配った。その後、 2014年2月のクーデターの数日前に、彼女が当時のキエフ米国大使ジェフリー・パイアットと「このことを助産する」方法について話し合っている様子が記録されていた。
ブリンケン氏は火曜日の声明で 、友人の「トリア」氏が35年のキャリアを通じて、領事館員から大使、副長官に至るまで国務省のほとんどの職を歴任してきたと指摘した。彼女の最近の役職は政務次官でした。彼女はまた、2023年7月にウェンディ・シャーマン氏が退任した後、先月カート・キャンベル氏がポストに就任することが確認されるまで、ブリンケン氏の代理を務めていた。
ヌーランドはマイダンの蜂起とその後のキエフのクーデターに直接関与した。2013年12月に彼女はウクライナを訪れ、キエフの中央広場で武装デモ参加者にペストリーを配った。その後、 2014年2月のクーデターの数日前に、彼女が当時のキエフ米国大使ジェフリー・パイアットと「このことを助産する」方法について話し合っている様子が記録されていた。
93番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0f8f-0WZ8)
2024/03/06(水) 13:41:04.21ID:7CBvqylk0 彼女はトランプ政権中に国務省を辞任し、シンクタンク「新アメリカ安全保障センター」(CNAS)の指揮を執った後、オルブライト・ストーンブリッジ・グループと全米民主主義基金(NED)の理事に加わった。彼女は2021年のジョー・バイデン大統領の就任後に政府に復帰した。
その立場で、彼女はウクライナに武装し、ロシアとの紛争のためにキエフに武器と弾薬を供給する西側連合の結成に取り組んできた。先月、彼女は 議会に対し、 ウクライナへの610億ドルの資金提供を承認するよう懇願し、その大半は兵器産業での雇用創出のために「米国経済にそのまま還元される」と主張した。
彼女の最近のキエフ訪問では、 ワレリー・ザルジニ将軍に代わってウラジミール・ゼレンスキー大統領との介入が含まれた が、無駄だった。その後、ザルジニー氏は解雇された。
2月末のCNNのインタビューでヌーランド氏は 米国の対モスクワ政策の敗北を認め 、今日のロシアは「率直に言って我々が望んでいたロシアではない」と述べた。
その立場で、彼女はウクライナに武装し、ロシアとの紛争のためにキエフに武器と弾薬を供給する西側連合の結成に取り組んできた。先月、彼女は 議会に対し、 ウクライナへの610億ドルの資金提供を承認するよう懇願し、その大半は兵器産業での雇用創出のために「米国経済にそのまま還元される」と主張した。
彼女の最近のキエフ訪問では、 ワレリー・ザルジニ将軍に代わってウラジミール・ゼレンスキー大統領との介入が含まれた が、無駄だった。その後、ザルジニー氏は解雇された。
2月末のCNNのインタビューでヌーランド氏は 米国の対モスクワ政策の敗北を認め 、今日のロシアは「率直に言って我々が望んでいたロシアではない」と述べた。
94番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0f8f-0WZ8)
2024/03/06(水) 13:41:41.72ID:7CBvqylk0 ビクトリア・ヌーランドが2021年のジョー・バイデン大統領の就任後に政府に復帰した年に起きた事振り返り
2021年 黒海でウクライナ軍とNATO合同演習
2021年冬 ゼレンスキー親露派地域への攻撃を激化
2021年 黒海でウクライナ軍とNATO合同演習
2021年冬 ゼレンスキー親露派地域への攻撃を激化
95安倍晋三🏺 ◆abesHiNZOU6m (JPW 0Hbf-f8Wf)
2024/03/06(水) 13:45:17.50ID:lKBnS2JjH プーアノンうれション
96安倍晋三 ◆abeshinzo. (ワッチョイW cb82-7bv0)
2024/03/06(水) 14:20:50.24ID:hECxa6Bp0 >>77
98安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW efd1-uQAu)
2024/03/06(水) 15:10:52.54ID:o7YCyD1u0 トロツキスト勢全滅か?
99安倍晋三🏺 (スップ Sdbf-81ob)
2024/03/06(水) 16:08:25.84ID:weHagGdHd 女王つか見た目完全魔女よな🤔
100番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 7b00-Yn/q)
2024/03/06(水) 16:53:11.97ID:TP9jrF0x0 アメリカの高級官僚なんて政治任用だから任期が終わるか自分で辞めるか辞めさせられるかだぞ
101番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0f8f-0WZ8)
2024/03/06(水) 16:57:31.86ID:7CBvqylk0 ヌーランドが日本に防衛費増税と改憲迫った張本人
102番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 4f93-xLCy)
2024/03/06(水) 17:06:15.03ID:0JCks5hB0 Ukraine’s first lady declines State of the Union invitation
The White House had intended for Olena Zelenska to sit near first lady Jill Biden and Russian opposition figure Yulia Navalnaya, who is viewed with some skepticism in Ukraine
March 5, 2024 at 10:12 p.m.
Elena Zelenskaya refused to attend Joe Biden's State of the Union address this Thursday
First lady Elena Zelenskaya refused to attend US President Joe Biden's State of the Union address this Thursday, where she was invited by the White House.
the reason was that the president’s wife was going to be seated next to Alexei Navalny’s widow, Yulia.
"The goal, according to officials familiar with the plan, was to seat First Lady Jill Biden next to Zelenskaya and Yulia Navalnaya... The image of both women, each a symbol of resistance to Russian President Vladimir Putin, would provide a powerful backdrop to President Biden's speech." the publication reports.
But Navalnaya's presence "caused discomfort among Ukrainians" because of her husband's comments about the "Russian" status of Crimea, sources in Kyiv told
A White House spokesman said Zelenskaya's decision was likely due to "scheduling conflicts." Moreover, according to Washington, Navalnaya also refused to attend Biden’s speech, citing fatigue.
another probable reason for Zelensky’s wife’s refusal - reluctance to spoil relations with the Republicans who are blocking aid to Ukraine.
Zelenskaya’s presence at the president’s speech could look like “too close ties with Biden.” “Ukraine does not want to offend Republicans, who may control the White House next year depending on the results of the November elections,” says.
The Washington Post
The White House had intended for Olena Zelenska to sit near first lady Jill Biden and Russian opposition figure Yulia Navalnaya, who is viewed with some skepticism in Ukraine
March 5, 2024 at 10:12 p.m.
Elena Zelenskaya refused to attend Joe Biden's State of the Union address this Thursday
First lady Elena Zelenskaya refused to attend US President Joe Biden's State of the Union address this Thursday, where she was invited by the White House.
the reason was that the president’s wife was going to be seated next to Alexei Navalny’s widow, Yulia.
"The goal, according to officials familiar with the plan, was to seat First Lady Jill Biden next to Zelenskaya and Yulia Navalnaya... The image of both women, each a symbol of resistance to Russian President Vladimir Putin, would provide a powerful backdrop to President Biden's speech." the publication reports.
But Navalnaya's presence "caused discomfort among Ukrainians" because of her husband's comments about the "Russian" status of Crimea, sources in Kyiv told
A White House spokesman said Zelenskaya's decision was likely due to "scheduling conflicts." Moreover, according to Washington, Navalnaya also refused to attend Biden’s speech, citing fatigue.
another probable reason for Zelensky’s wife’s refusal - reluctance to spoil relations with the Republicans who are blocking aid to Ukraine.
Zelenskaya’s presence at the president’s speech could look like “too close ties with Biden.” “Ukraine does not want to offend Republicans, who may control the White House next year depending on the results of the November elections,” says.
The Washington Post
103番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 4f93-xLCy)
2024/03/06(水) 17:11:25.11ID:0JCks5hB0 Don't be cowards." Macron and Pistorius argued over sending troops to Ukraine
March 5, 2024
The disagreement between Paris and Berlin regarding military assistance to Ukraine has acquired the characteristics of a fierce skirmish.
French President Emmanuel Macron said that Ukraine's allies need to stop "being cowards."
His words are quoted by Reuters.
“<...> We are certainly approaching the moment when it will be appropriate in Europe not to be a coward,” Macron said
In Germany, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius responded to the French president.
His words are quoted by Business Recorder.
The minister said that Macron’s call to Kyiv’s allies “not to be cowards” does not help solve problems with military support for Ukraine.
Pistorius said discussions about sending Western troops to Ukraine, or "whether we have more courage or less courage" were unproductive.
“This is something that doesn’t really help solve the problems we have when it comes to helping Ukraine,” the German minister noted.
March 5, 2024
The disagreement between Paris and Berlin regarding military assistance to Ukraine has acquired the characteristics of a fierce skirmish.
French President Emmanuel Macron said that Ukraine's allies need to stop "being cowards."
His words are quoted by Reuters.
“<...> We are certainly approaching the moment when it will be appropriate in Europe not to be a coward,” Macron said
In Germany, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius responded to the French president.
His words are quoted by Business Recorder.
The minister said that Macron’s call to Kyiv’s allies “not to be cowards” does not help solve problems with military support for Ukraine.
Pistorius said discussions about sending Western troops to Ukraine, or "whether we have more courage or less courage" were unproductive.
“This is something that doesn’t really help solve the problems we have when it comes to helping Ukraine,” the German minister noted.
104番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 4f93-xLCy)
2024/03/06(水) 17:35:02.78ID:0JCks5hB0 Ukraine Is Now Fighting Russia in Sudan
In fighting against Russian-backed rebels in Sudan, Ukraine hopes to make the war more costly for Moscow
Updated March 6, 2024 12:06 am ET
For Ukraine, sending troops to Africa is an audacious new venture—part of a strategy to disrupt Russia’s military and economic operations abroad, make the war more costly for Moscow, and position itself as a bulwark against Russian incursions, including in regions where the West has been reluctant to get directly involved.
“It’s impossible to overcome Russia simply by fighting on a small piece of land, like the front line in Ukraine,” said a 40-year-old Ukrainian officer, who goes by the call sign Prada and led one of the Ukrainian teams in Sudan. “If they have gold mines in Sudan, we need to make them not profitable.”
But the operation comes with significant political risk at a moment when Western support for Ukraine is wavering. In Sudan, Ukraine is wading into an internal conflict in a foreign country, where tens of thousands of civilians have been killed and the U.S. says both sides have committed war crimes.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned that any country providing material support “bears responsibility for fueling atrocities against the Sudanese people.”
In an interview, Lt. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, who leads Ukraine’s military intelligence agency, known as HUR, declined to comment on whether he had deployed troops to Sudan but outlined the rationale for sending Ukrainian forces abroad.
“War is a risky business,” Budanov said. “We are in a full-fledged war with Russia…They have units in different parts of the world, and we sometimes try to strike them there.”
A spokesman for Zelensky didn’t respond to requests for comment.
In fighting against Russian-backed rebels in Sudan, Ukraine hopes to make the war more costly for Moscow
Updated March 6, 2024 12:06 am ET
For Ukraine, sending troops to Africa is an audacious new venture—part of a strategy to disrupt Russia’s military and economic operations abroad, make the war more costly for Moscow, and position itself as a bulwark against Russian incursions, including in regions where the West has been reluctant to get directly involved.
“It’s impossible to overcome Russia simply by fighting on a small piece of land, like the front line in Ukraine,” said a 40-year-old Ukrainian officer, who goes by the call sign Prada and led one of the Ukrainian teams in Sudan. “If they have gold mines in Sudan, we need to make them not profitable.”
But the operation comes with significant political risk at a moment when Western support for Ukraine is wavering. In Sudan, Ukraine is wading into an internal conflict in a foreign country, where tens of thousands of civilians have been killed and the U.S. says both sides have committed war crimes.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned that any country providing material support “bears responsibility for fueling atrocities against the Sudanese people.”
In an interview, Lt. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, who leads Ukraine’s military intelligence agency, known as HUR, declined to comment on whether he had deployed troops to Sudan but outlined the rationale for sending Ukrainian forces abroad.
“War is a risky business,” Budanov said. “We are in a full-fledged war with Russia…They have units in different parts of the world, and we sometimes try to strike them there.”
A spokesman for Zelensky didn’t respond to requests for comment.
105番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 4f93-xLCy)
2024/03/06(水) 17:39:56.64ID:0JCks5hB0 The Ukrainian troops supplied Burhan’s guards with new AKM rifles and silencers, then turned their attention to trying to push the Wagner-backed rebels out of Khartoum.
A 30-year-old HUR officer known by the call sign King, who led the first group of Ukrainians to arrive in Sudan, said his team found a vastly different kind of conflict than the one they had left behind in Eastern Europe.
Soldiers on both sides fought in sandals and sometimes fired entire magazines’ worth of ammunition while holding their rifles over their heads, unable to see what they were shooting at.
Much of the Sudanese army hadn’t been paid since the fighting began months earlier, sapping their motivation. Fighters didn’t wear markings to show which side they were on, and friendly fire was a regular threat.
Neither side attacked at night. The Ukrainians, equipped with night-vision goggles and drones, saw an opening.
“That was our big advantage—we knew how to operate at night,” King said.
They would leave their base around 8 p.m., heading into the city in groups of about half a dozen, traveling in the backs of vans.
In a video viewed by the Journal, the Ukrainians fired at an apartment building, which King said was an RSF base.
Once RSF reinforcements arrived, the Ukrainians dropped munitions on them from drones.
(He said there were no civilians in the area.)
A 30-year-old HUR officer known by the call sign King, who led the first group of Ukrainians to arrive in Sudan, said his team found a vastly different kind of conflict than the one they had left behind in Eastern Europe.
Soldiers on both sides fought in sandals and sometimes fired entire magazines’ worth of ammunition while holding their rifles over their heads, unable to see what they were shooting at.
Much of the Sudanese army hadn’t been paid since the fighting began months earlier, sapping their motivation. Fighters didn’t wear markings to show which side they were on, and friendly fire was a regular threat.
Neither side attacked at night. The Ukrainians, equipped with night-vision goggles and drones, saw an opening.
“That was our big advantage—we knew how to operate at night,” King said.
They would leave their base around 8 p.m., heading into the city in groups of about half a dozen, traveling in the backs of vans.
In a video viewed by the Journal, the Ukrainians fired at an apartment building, which King said was an RSF base.
Once RSF reinforcements arrived, the Ukrainians dropped munitions on them from drones.
(He said there were no civilians in the area.)
106番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 0f9f-9ODU)
2024/03/06(水) 17:51:45.08ID:qndGQeho0 死ねよ 鬼ババア
107番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0f8f-0WZ8)
2024/03/06(水) 18:03:38.20ID:7CBvqylk0 https://twitter.com/BowesChay/status/1765202080115863924
2014 年の CIA クーデター中
2014 年の CIA クーデター中
108番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0f8f-0WZ8)
2024/03/06(水) 18:04:07.41ID:7CBvqylk0 自民議員も要職はネオコン養成期間のアメリカの大学出身
109番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 0f8f-0WZ8)
2024/03/06(水) 18:04:31.31ID:7CBvqylk0 ネオコンはどの国でも候補者を選ぶことができる
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