映画ラストサムライ監督「ケンは借金とヤクザが」芸能界の闇どんだけ深いんだよ [792931474]

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0001番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (中止W 5367-P8Cy)
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2024/02/14(水) 12:46:28.21ID:fCHq4mM80St.V●?2BP(2000)



Upon hearing of my choice of Ken, the Japanese representatives from Warner Bros. made no secret of their displeasure. They informed the executives back in Burbank that this was a terrible faux pas. It was Hiroyuki Sanada himself who came to the rescue. By agreeing to play Ujio, Katsumoto’s majordomo, he was making a strong statement in support of Ken and the movie.
I couldn’t have known that after surviving a battle with leukemia years before, Ken had found himself in debt to shady managers; at that time, the Yakuza was heavily involved in the business.
To pay them off, for several years he had been obliged to play whatever roles on Japanese TV came his way, no matter how uninspiring, and it had hurt his career. In our early rehearsals, Ken seemed somewhat tentative, but Sanada’s deference never failed to endow his presence with the necessary aplomb.
Day by day as his self-confidence grew, so did Ken’s performance. By the time we were ready to shoot, he had grown into the role, owning not just his size as the character but as a leading man going mano a mano with the biggest movie star in the world.


0002安倍晋三🏺 ◆.abeshinZo (中止 973d-XyAm)
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2024/02/14(水) 17:26:40.12ID:q1OOVH/c0St.V
0003安倍晋三🏺 ◆AbeShinzoG2A (中止 973d-XyAm)
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2024/02/14(水) 17:26:52.95ID:q1OOVH/c0St.V
0004安倍晋三🏺 ◆abesHiNZOU6m (中止 973d-XyAm)
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2024/02/14(水) 17:27:06.79ID:q1OOVH/c0St.V
0005安倍晋三🏺 ◆abeshinzo. (中止 973d-XyAm)
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2024/02/14(水) 17:27:28.47ID:q1OOVH/c0St.V
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