アメリカの土井たか子ことオカシオコルテスさん、ブースター接種後にコロナ感染していたことが判明 [523957489]

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0001番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ ae0d-ojq8)
垢版 |
2022/01/18(火) 13:26:23.65ID:2eq3YQ020?2BP(1000)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is 'Thankfully Recovered' After Contracting COVID: It's 'No Joke'

The New York lawmaker promoted a “community” aspect of health and prevention in an Instagram post: “In a world of MEs, let’s build team WE,” she wrote
By Aaron Parsley
January 17, 2022 11:06 AM

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is "thankfully recovered and wrapping up quarantine" after a bout with COVID-19 ? "probably omicron," she added in a Sunday Instagram post.

"Covid was no joke," the Brooklyn-based Democrat, 32, wrote after announcing more than a week ago that she'd contracted the virus and was experiencing symptoms even though she was fully vaccinated and had received a booster.

"For a while I've noted the term 'mild' is misleading when the bar is hospitalization and death," she wrote in her Sunday post, listing a few potential lingering conditions people have reported post-infection that have collectively been referred to as "long COVID."

"This isn't to be a downer or induce fear, just a reminder that we need to be careful," Ocasio-Cortez wrote, "and if you do get it, it's key to care for yourself and REST."


2022年1月17日11:06 AM

ニューヨークのアレクサンドリア・オカシオ・コルテス議員は、 COVID-19での試合の後、


「しばらくの間、バーが入院と死亡である場合、「軽度」という用語は誤解を招くことに気づきました」と彼女は日曜日の投稿に書いています。 「長いCOVID。」


0002番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (オッペケ Srd1-v6d3)
垢版 |
2022/01/18(火) 14:33:56.14ID:nYjIHGpAr
0003番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ c6ce-76Y4)
垢版 |
2022/01/18(火) 14:35:28.64ID:Yv4jn4Pe0
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