It is now possible for Dark Souls 3 invaders to run code on your PC without permission.
AKA RCE, Remote Code Execution. This same hack is possible in Elden Ring.

Dark Souls 3 exploit could let hackers take control of your entire computer

A dangerous remote code execution (RCE) exploit found in Dark Souls 3 could let a bad actor take control of your computer,
according to a report from Dexerto. The vulnerability only puts PC gamers who play online at risk and may potentially affect Dark Souls,
Dark Souls 2, and the upcoming Elden Ring.

【悲報】テンセントのゲーム「ダークソウル3」に仕込まれたバックドアをReddit民が発見。「エルデンリング」にも仕込まれている模様 ★1