Avatar Dynamics is Now in Open Beta!

Want to high-five your friends? Give your pal a *real* headpat? Unfurl your wings? Grab and manipulate your face? Press a self-destruct button on your friend’s avatar? All of that is now possible – and so, so much more. Avatar Dynamics unleashes an entire new set of possibilities for VRChat avatars, far beyond anything we could summarize here.

And on top of that, Avatar Dynamics is also significantly more performant than Dynamic Bones. That means more frames for PC users – and the ability for Quest users to finally see their friends’ hair, ears, and clothes move with real-time physics!

And most importantly, Avatar Dynamics is completely free. You do not need to have VRChat Plus to take advantage of these new features.

PhysBones: A free, direct and significantly more performant (we’re talking roughly a 12–20x improvement) replacement for DynamicBones in VRChat. Additionally, PhysBones allows avatar interactivity – meaning grabbing and posing bones on your own avatar, as well as your friends’ avatars, too!

PhysBones… on Quest: Yep! PhysBones aren’t just for PC – Quest users can see them, too!
