Buzzfeed、記事作成をChatGPTに任せることを発表し株価2倍に。 [469534301]
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0001番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ササクッテロラ Sp3b-EGLG)
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2023/01/28(土) 20:40:24.17ID:62rN7Fbbp?2BP(1111)



BuzzFeed (BZFD) is planning to heavily lean on AI-generated content.

News that sent shares of the company exploding higher, rising as much as 150% in afternoon trade.

According to an internal memo obtained by Yahoo Finance, and first reported by The Wall Street Journal, the company plans to utilize ChatGPT creator OpenAI to generate and personalize some of its content and enhance its quizzes.

"To fulfill the promise of our mission, we need to build a stronger business foundation by executing a forward-looking strategy," BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti wrote to employees.

"We must look ahead and shift our business towards longer term trends in order to seize the opportunities that will come in the eventual recovery," Peretti continued, citing "creators" like celebrities, athletes, and influencers, along with artificial intelligence, as the future of digital media over the next three years.
0002番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ ce9f-OrCr)
垢版 |
2023/01/28(土) 20:46:24.17ID:EAbNy3DT0
0004番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 879d-viRr)
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2023/01/28(土) 21:19:34.83ID:sdIt1Za90
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