【悲報】Tesla lost a total of $204 million on its investment in Bitcoin in 2022 [638148915]
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0001鄧 晟鉉 (オッペケ Sr63-qp8Q)
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2023/02/07(火) 08:24:37.15ID:cQ9E84f8r●?2BP(1000)

投資Bitcoin失利 Tesla損失1.4億美元

The price of encrypted currencies rose and fell sharply last year, more or less related to the comments made by electric carmakers Tesla and Elon Musk. However, Tesla also lost the game, with a reported total investment loss of $140 million on Bitcoin in 2022.
0002鄧 晟鉉 (オッペケ Sr63-qp8Q)
垢版 |
2023/02/07(火) 08:24:55.42ID:cQ9E84f8r?2BP(0)

According to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, Tesla lost a total of $204 million on its investment in Bitcoin in 2022 and made a net loss of $140 million in the year, even though it earned $64 million from some deals.
0003鄧 晟鉉 (オッペケ Sr63-qp8Q)
垢版 |
2023/02/07(火) 08:25:41.87ID:cQ9E84f8r?2BP(0)

Elon Musk bought Bitcoin so heavily that the price of the cryptocurrency soared in a short period of time. When Tesla bought $1.5 billion of Bitcoin in early 2021, the price rose by more than 25 per cent to $48000, an all-time high at the time. In March of the same year, Musk said on Twitter that Tesla would allow American customers to use Bitcoin to buy cars,
0004鄧 晟鉉 (オッペケ Sr63-qp8Q)
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2023/02/07(火) 08:25:52.33ID:cQ9E84f8r?2BP(0)

and the news immediately pushed up the price of Bitcoin. However, the plan was cancelled two months later because of concerns about climate change. "there is concern that Bitcoin mining and trading will accelerate the use of large amounts of fuel, especially coal, which has the greatest impact on the environment," Musk said. "
0005鄧 晟鉉 (オッペケ Sr63-qp8Q)
垢版 |
2023/02/07(火) 08:25:56.47ID:cQ9E84f8r?2BP(0)

He also stressed that cryptocurrency is a good idea, but it should not be thought of as paying a huge price for the environment. When Tesla cancelled its plan to buy cars in encrypted currency, Bitcoin prices fell by more than 10 per cent. Until the price of Bitcoin rose to nearly $70000 in November 2022, Tesla sold most of the Bitcoin, causing Bitcoin prices to plunge by more than 50 per cent.
0006番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 4fd2-fAfd)
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2023/02/07(火) 08:26:53.41ID:CvlWHy0A0
0008鄧 晟鉉 (オッペケ Sr63-qp8Q)
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2023/02/07(火) 08:30:52.98ID:cQ9E84f8r?2BP(0)


When Tesla cancelled its plan to buy cars in encrypted currency, Bitcoin prices fell by more than 10 per cent. Until the price of Bitcoin rose to nearly $70000 in November 2022, Tesla sold most of the Bitcoin, causing Bitcoin prices to plunge by more than 50 per cent.
0009鄧 晟鉉 (オッペケ Sr63-qp8Q)
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2023/02/07(火) 08:31:57.53ID:cQ9E84f8r?2BP(0)

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