

This English is also a little strange.

"Hand over Payment Card to cashier at check-out."

I will change it to

"Please give the payment card to the cashier when you check out."


Is give the payment card not suitable?
Which one do you choose?

When you check out, please give your 'payment card' to the cashier

When you check out, please hand over your 'payment card' to the cashier

When you check out, please take a your 'payment card' to the cashier


C and B is wrong
B ; hand over is used in serious condition, teacher asking student to pass up something, or police asking for something
C ; The English grammar is wrong in this sentence so the meaning is not accurate and understandable
A is most suitable among these 3
I find A and B quite similar but Using the term “hand over” sounds more like you are confiscating the person’s property
is my english understandable?