独ショルツ首相「ウクライナでイギリス軍がミサイル撃つの手伝ってる」 バラしてしまい炎上中 [633746646]

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0217番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 4e14-EVRh)
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2024/03/02(土) 19:02:38.73ID:J2ZQ/Wcu0
>>216 ずっとカウントダウンしてる人やん
0218番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ de51-9+AH)
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2024/03/02(土) 19:04:35.49ID:Ka4e0nFv0
0219番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 43a6-2U7W)
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2024/03/02(土) 19:25:42.49ID:rnlPR29R0

09:52 2/3/2024






0220番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ cbaf-N4hx)
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2024/03/02(土) 20:14:49.63ID:dva6r1fs0

0221番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 435e-K0SC)
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2024/03/02(土) 20:32:39.40ID:rnlPR29R0
The German Ministry of Defense is alarmed that a larger volume of information could have been leaked, and not just the published fragment of negotiations between German officers about the attack on the Crimean Bridge, .

“The Ministry of Defense is alarmed by this case, since other internal conversations could have been intercepted,”

that the question now is whether other communications of the German Air Force, as well as other military departments, could have been wiretapped.

The wiretapped conversation was conducted by German Air Force officers through open channels on the WebEx platform, which, is “relatively easy to eavesdrop on.”

In addition,  suggested that one of the participants in the conversation even connected to the conference via a mobile phone, since he was in Singapore .

pointed out, many online negotiations between the Bundeswehr and the German Ministry of Defense are held on this platform.
0223安倍晋三🏺 ◆AbeShinzoG2A (ワッチョイ de9a-fX8G)
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2024/03/02(土) 20:37:06.16ID:kR7I0DhM0

0224番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 435e-K0SC)
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2024/03/02(土) 20:40:37.60ID:rnlPR29R0
“Civilians with American accents”

But that's only half the scandal. The Russian propaganda that the four officers were planning a German attack on the Crimean bridge near Kerch is really just propaganda. The topic of the meeting was the preparation of a 30-minute presentation to the Minister of Defense. He wants to know everything about Taurus, or at least as much as possible. And that includes what the German cruise missile can destroy. A mind game. Maybe he just punches a hole in the pillars? Does it ultimately take ten Taurus to destroy the road? Or are the ammunition depots a more suitable target?

The really delicate thing about the generals' chat is the extent of Western cooperation. This applies to all long-range weapon systems used in Ukraine, Storm Shadow, HIMARS and others. Now the world finally knows that British weapons technicians are deployed behind the front and that there are many “civilians with American accents” there. Target designation, target recognition, target setting and target guidance are not possible without the Western military's knowledge of control - or only after long months of training by Ukrainian specialists.
0225番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 435e-K0SC)
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2024/03/02(土) 20:42:21.20ID:rnlPR29R0
The intercepted meeting reveals the close proximity of the Ukrainian army and its Western supporters, both in the form of politics, the military and the arms industry. It also makes it clear: If politicians want quick Taurus success in the event of a delivery, say within two weeks, they cannot avoid using the German military - “short track” in the English style of the intercepted generals.

The most revealing thing about the 40-minute meeting is something else. In its apparent objectivity, it exposes the mechanisms of military escalation. The naive news consumer, when he hears “escalation,” thinks of the effectiveness of evil – of course based on the respective enemy: from the perspective of Ukraine and the West, Vladimir Putin , from the perspective of many Russians, fascism and (as of Friday afternoon) Germany.
0226番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW e7a5-RtHD)
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2024/03/02(土) 20:46:08.87ID:FGMmarJH0
0227番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 435e-K0SC)
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2024/03/02(土) 20:54:51.43ID:rnlPR29R0
French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejournet, commenting on the timeliness of discussions about sending European troops to Ukraine, said that a turning point may now be coming, and linked Kiev’s support to the protection of the French.

Propos recueillis par Stéphanie Le Bars et Philippe Ricard

Published today at 5:32 a.m.,

"France must be on the right side of history... To understand our logic, we need to be aware of the situation. This may be a turning point. Our support for Ukraine must be constant if we want to protect the French people," he said in an interview with Monde

According to him, a Russian victory will lead to huge economic costs in the West. Thus, according to the minister, Western countries will have to allocate not 2% of GDP to the defense sector, but much more.

"This is about defeating Russia without waging war against it. Within that framework, nothing is ruled out. This adds strategic ambiguity to our commitments, which allows us to demonstrate to Russia our determination to envisage other actions on the ground," he added.

As Sejournet notes, personnel must be present to clear mines, implement cybersecurity measures, produce weapons, and conduct training “on the ground,” but he denies that this can be attributed to joint participation in military operations. He added that the participants in the meeting previously organized by French President Emmanuel Macron knew that there was no talk of sending combat units to Ukraine, and noted the need to discuss this issue, even if there is no consensus on it yet.
0228番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 332d-K0SC)
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2024/03/02(土) 21:30:36.52ID:Kt+Kqgry0
Surprisingly Weak Ukrainian Defenses Help Russian Advance
March 2, 2024

‘A Very Costly Option’
There are many possible reasons for Ukraine’s apparent lack of defenses.

Ukrainian officials may have been too focused on offensive operations last year to dedicate the necessary resources to building the kind of multiple trenches and tank traps that Russian engineers built since late 2022 in the country’s south, the U.S. officials and military experts said.
0229番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 332d-K0SC)
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2024/03/02(土) 21:32:55.79ID:Kt+Kqgry0
“Who cared and who considered it as an option — because it’s a very costly option — the construction of defensive lines? No one,” said Serhiy Hrabskyi, a retired Ukrainian Army colonel, noting that Ukraine had few resources to spare at the time.

There may have also been a psychological element at play, the U.S. officials said. If Ukrainian troops heavily mined certain areas to thwart Russian advances, it would be a tacit acknowledgement that they were unlikely to carry out offensive operations in the same area at a future date. They’d effectively be writing off that territory to the Russian military, the officials said.

While Moscow began building defensive lines in the south more than half a year before Kyiv’s counteroffensive, Ukraine appeared to have begun plans for new fortifications only three months ago, when government officials announced the creation of a working group to coordinate efforts between civilian and military authorities.
0230番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 332d-K0SC)
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2024/03/02(土) 21:36:59.93ID:Kt+Kqgry0
While Moscow began building defensive lines in the south more than half a year before Kyiv’s counteroffensive, Ukraine appeared to have begun plans for new fortifications only three months ago, when government officials announced the creation of a working group to coordinate efforts between civilian and military authorities.

Responsibility for building the first line of defense would fall to the military units stationed in the area, the officials said, while the next defensive lines would be built by civilian authorities, with the help of private contractors. Denys Shmyhal, Ukraine’s prime minister, said that some 30 billion Ukrainian hryvnias, about $800 million, had been allocated for fortifications this year.
0231番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 332d-K0SC)
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2024/03/02(土) 21:38:38.26ID:Kt+Kqgry0
Outside of Avdiivka, Mr. Paroinen added, “there are new positions being prepared, but they do not yet constitute a particularly formidable defensive line” and are not comparable in scale to Russia’s fortifications in the south.

The Ukrainian authorities have said they lack people able to carry out the construction work. In mid-January, local officials in the western Ivano-Frankivsk region said they were looking for 300 workers willing to help build fortifications in the Donetsk region, more than 500 miles to the east.

“We have a lack of engineering units. And even the units we have lack equipment,” Mr. Hrabskyi said. By comparison, he and Mr. Paroinen said, Russia had far more equipment, materials and experienced personnel when it built its defensive lines.
0232番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 332d-K0SC)
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2024/03/02(土) 21:39:35.29ID:Kt+Kqgry0
The absence of strong defensive lines outside of Avdiivka has been denounced in recent days by several Ukrainian journalists, in a rare show of public criticism of the military.

Delays in the construction of fortifications mean that Ukrainian troops may now be left to reinforce their defensive lines while under fire from the Russian Army, making the task exponentially more difficult.

Mr. Hrabskyi said Russia was currently preventing Ukrainian troops from shoring up their defenses by relentlessly bombarding them, including with powerful glide bombs carrying hundreds of tons of explosives that can smash through even well-prepared fortifications.

“The quality of these defensive lines cannot be good enough to resist massive bulldozer tactics by the Russian forces,” Mr. Hrabskyi said.
0233安倍晋三⚱️ (ワッチョイ 5f47-0ts4)
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2024/03/02(土) 22:14:43.21ID:3DCMU+fT0
0234番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 86ef-EVRh)
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2024/03/02(土) 22:34:53.61ID:ts8gichj0
0235安倍晋三 ◆abeshinzo. (ワッチョイW 8b54-d8Bj)
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2024/03/02(土) 23:48:53.05ID:PyEbwVOy0
0236番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ ca63-4cDx)
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2024/03/02(土) 23:52:08.68ID:iHYxPePp0
0237安倍晋三🏺 ◆ABeSHInzoo (ワッチョイW 43e4-uT84)
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2024/03/02(土) 23:53:32.22ID:P4PUKNNX0
0238安倍晋三🏺 ◆ABeSHInzoo (スップ Sdea-pQv0)
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2024/03/02(土) 23:53:36.10ID:TjrhWHv5d
0239番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ 9f8e-5fuq)
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2024/03/03(日) 00:15:46.33ID:JkIvwLVJ0

0240番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ fb83-xJEq)
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2024/03/03(日) 00:25:43.37ID:n+Fzx+/f0
0241番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナー cb56-zqCT)
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2024/03/03(日) 06:06:56.00ID:tq13Vjhm00303

0242番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW 8bd6-YNsC)
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2024/03/03(日) 06:55:43.91ID:uALCmB5200303
バチカン市国 3 月 2 日 法王庁報道局 教皇フランシスコは土曜日、バチカンでドイツのオラフ・ショルツ首相を謁見。


0243番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW 8bd6-YNsC)
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2024/03/03(日) 06:57:33.93ID:uALCmB5200303
Verteidigungsministerium bestätigt Abhörfall
Stand: 02.03.2024 16:52 Uhr

Ein geheimes Gespräch von Luftwaffen-Offizieren unter anderem zum Thema "Taurus" wurde abgehört. Das bestätigte das Verteidigungsministerium dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio. Experten sprechen von einem "Super-GAU".
0244番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW 8bd6-YNsC)
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2024/03/03(日) 06:58:58.53ID:uALCmB5200303
38 Minuten ist der gestern von russischen Propagandakanälen veröffentlichte Mitschnitt lang. Zu hören: Details, die so wohl nie an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen sollten. Das Verteidigungsministerium bestätigt jetzt ebenfalls gegenüber dem ARD-Hauptstadtstudio: Es gibt einen Abhörfall."Es ist nach unserer Einschätzung ein Gespräch im Bereich der Luftwaffe abgehört worden", erklärte ein Sprecher. "Ob in der aufgezeichneten oder verschriftlichten Variante, die in den sozialen Medien kursieren, Veränderungen vorgenommen wurden, können wir derzeit nicht gesichert sagen", ergänzte er.
0245番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW 8bd6-YNsC)
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2024/03/03(日) 07:00:23.02ID:uALCmB5200303
Kanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD), der heute Vormittag eine Privataudienz beim Papst in Rom hatte, zeigte sich nach Bekanntwerden des Spionagefalls zumindest hochgradig besorgt: "Das, was dort berichtet wird, ist eine sehr ernste Angelegenheit und deshalb wird das jetzt sehr intensiv, sehr sorgfältig und sehr zügig aufgeklärt. Das ist auch notwendig."
0246番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナー Sa0f-+Csh)
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2024/03/03(日) 07:01:57.49ID:MNgzutFsa0303
0247安倍晋三🏺 ◆ABeSHInzoo (ヒッナーW 0f77-Y+eB)
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2024/03/03(日) 07:01:59.84ID:7knbg9vQ00303
0248番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW 8bd6-YNsC)
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2024/03/03(日) 07:02:18.19ID:uALCmB5200303
Offenes Gespräch unter Luftwaffen-Offizieren

In der offenbar am 19. Februar von Russen mitgehörten Internetkonferenz hochrangiger Luftwaffen-Offiziere geht es um die Vorbereitung eines 30-minütigen Briefings für Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius (SPD) zur Machbarkeit eines "Taurus"-Einsatzes in der Ukraine.

Die Offiziere reden offen unter anderem darüber, das US-amerikanische und britische Militärs in der Ukraine am Boden agieren und besprechen Möglichkeiten, ukrainisches Personal für den "Taurus"-Einsatz in Deutschland auszubilden. Thema ist auch ein Einsatz der Waffe beispielsweise gegen die Kertsch-Brücke, die das russische Festland mit der Krim verbindet.
0249安倍晋三🏺 ◆ABeSHInzoo (ヒッナー 9f64-ZLJX)
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2024/03/03(日) 09:48:11.85ID:NoEjPiLT00303
0250番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW ef1e-AMdB)
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2024/03/03(日) 11:05:00.89ID:WAgwnl2700303

0253番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナー ab11-lvv7)
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2024/03/03(日) 12:48:00.65ID:crX8enJe00303



0254番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナー ab11-lvv7)
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2024/03/03(日) 12:59:50.25ID:crX8enJe00303


0255番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW ef80-YNsC)
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2024/03/03(日) 15:24:25.19ID:8UyeBLQ200303
Ukrainian grain is destroying EU agriculture
March 3
European farmers are increasingly protesting against duty-free import of Ukrainian agricultural products into the EU, Terre-net reports.

A demonstration in Bulgaria, the dumping of Ukrainian grain on the border with Poland, a rally involving 900 tractors in Brussels, and the slogan: “We want to help, but not at any cost” from Romanian agricultural workers were the latest manifestations of this anger.

Farm unions in France and Germany are warning that Ukraine's integration into the European food industry would be a disaster and could lead to the complete disappearance of family farming in Europe.

As the publication explains, vast arable lands make Ukraine a major exporter of wheat, corn and sunflowers. At the same time, Ukrainian products in the EU are exempt from customs duties in the name of European solidarity, but are still far from European standards, especially with regard to pesticides.

Although the Poles, Romanians or Bulgarians have agreed to allow Ukrainian grain to transit through their territory, they require guarantees that it will be supplied to the world market and not used to lower prices in Europe.

As the publication notes, the European policy of solidarity with Ukraine is detrimental to EU farmers; if previously Ukraine exported 20 thousand tons of sugar per year to the European Union, then in 2023-2024, according to French sugar beet producers, its volume may exceed 700 thousand tons .

At the end of January, Brussels announced a mechanism for reintroducing customs duties on “sensitive” products: poultry, eggs and sugar.

Grain producers immediately called for similar measures for wheat, barley and corn, warning of the risk of a “collapse of the common market”.
0256番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナー 4fe1-eOBD)
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2024/03/03(日) 15:30:50.47ID:L2DQCka000303

0257番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW ef80-YNsC)
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2024/03/03(日) 15:47:36.31ID:8UyeBLQ200303
[Exclusif] Présidentielle 2027 : Marine Le Pen l’emporterait au second tour face à Gabriel Attal selon un sondage Ifop
Dans un sondage exclusif, la candidate du Rassemblement national est donnée pour la première fois gagnante face à Gabriel Attal au second tour de l'élection présidentielle en 2027. Elle fait jeu égal avec Édouard Philippe. Analyse d'un basculement.
0258番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW ef80-YNsC)
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2024/03/03(日) 15:50:15.61ID:8UyeBLQ200303
Favorite ? Marine Le Pen a beau se méfier de ce statut prématuré, les résultats du sondage exclusif Ifop pour Valeurs actuelles que nous publions cette semaine ne devraient en rien diminuer la petite musique lancinante du moment.

La chef de file du Rassemblement national (51 %) devance pour la première fois Gabriel Attal (50 %) dans un éventuel second tour de l’élection présidentielle 2027. La présidente du groupe RN à l’Assemblée nationale fait jeu égal (50 %) avec Édouard Philippe, l’actuel maire du Havre et ancien Premier ministre. « Une victoire de Marine Le Pen n’est plus dans le domaine de l’impensable, le scénario n’a jamais été aussi plausible au regard des chiffres, confie Jérôme Fourquet, politologue et directeur du département « Opinion » de l’Ifop. La dynamique frontiste se confirme et s’amplifie de sondage en sondage. »
0259番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW ef80-YNsC)
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2024/03/03(日) 15:52:51.00ID:8UyeBLQ200303
Avec 36 % d’intentions de vote au premier tour, Marine Le Pen réalise la meilleure performance sondagière de sa carrière politique… et accroît encore un peu plus son avance sur ses adversaires. Propulsé à Matignon par Emmanuel Macron, Gabriel Attal (22 %) ne parvient pas, pour le moment, à capitaliser sur sa nouvelle position – et sa cote de popularité – pour distancer le toujours discret mais stable Édouard Philippe (22 %). Derrière, seul Jean-Luc Mélenchon (14 %) dépasse la barre symbolique du score à deux chiffres.
0260番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW ef80-YNsC)
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2024/03/03(日) 15:55:00.29ID:8UyeBLQ200303
Un bloc « national » à 45 % dès le premier tour

Le président de Reconquête Éric Zemmour (6 %) devance son concurrent Laurent Wauquiez (5,5 % face à Attal, 4,5 % face à Philippe), candidat putatif des Républicains. « Une candidate qui, dans une société que je qualifie d’archipélisée, parvient à fédérer plus de 30 % de l’électorat dès le premier tour, c’est un sacré tour de force », analyse Jérôme Fourquet, qui tient à rappeler le caractère fluctuant d’une prévision réalisée plus de trois avant le prochain scrutin élyséen.
0261番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW ef80-YNsC)
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2024/03/03(日) 15:56:48.45ID:8UyeBLQ200303
Autre enseignement : le bloc « national » composé de Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour et Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (2,5 %) représente environ 45 % des voix dès le premier tour. « C’est un chiffre considérable, note le politologue. Le coup de barre à droite donné par Emmanuel Macron ces dernières semaines symbolise une prise de conscience de la part de l’exécutif d’un basculement profond de l’opinion, notamment sur les sujets régaliens. »
0262番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW ef80-YNsC)
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2024/03/03(日) 15:57:43.27ID:8UyeBLQ200303
Marine Le Pen apparaît aujourd’hui comme la seule alternative crédible au macronisme et la grande gagnante des multiples crises sociales qui ont fracturé le pays ces 12 derniers mois. Fin mars 2023, après l’adoption dans la fureur de la réforme des retraites, la figure du Rassemblement national est estimée à 29 % des voix au premier tour 2027, six points de plus que son score en 2022.
0263番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW ef50-AMdB)
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2024/03/03(日) 16:30:51.02ID:WAgwnl2700303
0264番組の途中でもないけどアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ヒッナーW ef56-7bv0)
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2024/03/03(日) 16:56:13.48ID:3NBGtX3I00303

0265安倍晋三🏺 (ヒッナーW cb83-rJES)
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2024/03/03(日) 17:10:25.42ID:CjYWg5re00303
0266安倍晋三🏺 ◆ABeSHInzoo (ヒッナー 4fa2-zqCT)
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2024/03/03(日) 18:38:39.74ID:ipSCMM8I00303
0267番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ efef-zqCT)
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2024/03/03(日) 22:53:34.40ID:HMk79ccw0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
