Russia’s War In Ukraine Meets ‘Just War’ Theory

Robert Farley

5 days ago

Russia’s Attack on Ukraine ? What Does Just War Theory Offer on this Conflict? ? Wars are always destructive, and thus the politics and morality of war is always in question. It is rare in recent times, however, that an invasion has proceeded with so little concern for justice and morality as the Russian attack on Ukraine.
Let there be no doubt: Russia has launched an unjust and illegal war against Ukraine. This is not a near case; it is on the terms of just war theory less compelling even than the 2003 American invasion of Iraq, which was viewed as deeply problematic by most legal and scholarly authorities. The final corollary to this is that, given the demands of just war, it is literally impossible for a country to be “forced” into launching an unjust war. This should give Westerners seeking to excuse Putin’s behavior as the result of NATO expansion some pause.